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Scanning a Barcode

Scanning a barcode with Mobile Worx can have a huge impact on productivity and accuracy. You can use the camera on your mobile device or a third-party Bluetooth scanning device. Before you can scan a barcode please review Getting Started with Barcoding. *Note: Barcode scanning is not available in offline mode.

Scanning a Barcode from the Dashboard

Watch the Video Tutorial:


  1. From the Actions section of the Dashboard, tap TAP TO SCAN. Your mobile device will open your preferred scanning method.
  2. Place the device across the barcode and hold your device steady.


Scanning an Asset

  • The barcode will scan and automatically bring you to the Asset page which displays asset information, open work orders, and asset work order history.

Scanning a Location

  • The barcode will scan and automatically bring you to the Location page which displays location information, open work orders, and past work orders.

Scanning an Inventory Item

  • The barcode will scan and automatically bring you to the inventory item page which displays the current count in TheWorxHub.

Linking Assets or Inventory from a Work Order

When working with a work order in Mobile Worx, you can use barcoding to link assets and inventory to the work order.

  1. While viewing a work order in Mobile Worx, tap the Link Assets or Assign Inventory panel to link an asset or inventory item to the work order.
  2. Tap TAP TO SCAN. Your mobile device will open your preferred scanning method.

  3. Place the device across the barcode and hold your device steady.



  1. The barcode will scan and automatically display the item details on the screen. For inventory items, a quantity of 1 will be assigned to the work order. This can be changed by tapping on the 1 and entering the desired quantity. *Note: Once the work order is marked complete in Mobile Worx, the inventory's Action field will change to Consumed and decrease the on hand quantity.
  2. Tap Done at the top to link the item, or tap Add More to continue adding more items.